Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A man who has been the indisputable favorite of his mother keeps for life the feeling of a conqueror. Sigmund Freud

I always looked up to my parents for approval when I was growing up. I started off in a deficit from day one. I was born the third daughter. After giving birth to two daughters, my parents naturally wanted to change it up a bit and get the boy. Well, instead I was born. I have spent my entire life trying to make up for it. I tried my best to be the good daughter. I ran for my Dad’s slippers when he came home from work. I fetched his water when he was thirsty. I got up early in the morning to go to work with him whenever I had a day off from school. I was the pleaser. I was the one who wanted to make everyone feel better when they were sad. All of these years later, I have finally come to the conclusion that everyone is responsible for their own happiness. I can’t make it for them. I continued this behavior as I had my own children. I wanted to shield them from any disappointment that might come their way. In doing so, I took away their independence and their chance to make their own decisions, their own mistakes, and ultimately their own successes. While I tried to be the perfect daughter and mother, I ended up being a great big flop. How does this fit in with my weight loss blog you may ask? I’m not sure yet, but suffice it to say, I am a work in progress and trying my best to understand myself and what makes me overeat.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

June Cleaver

June was always thin. She had a smile on her face, pretty little dress, high heels and pearls. Sure, once in a while she got upset with the Beaver, but Ward always knew how to diffuse the situation. The difference between June Cleaver and me? Besides about 60 pounds, she knew her place. She knew that her role in life was to please her husband, take care of her kids, and put meals on the table with a smile. Now that might sound demeaning to the modern woman, but really….is it? She was taking care of her family and by golly; she did a darned good job!

I feel so guilty that I don’t have a job any more. I try to make sure that everything I do is pleasing to my husband who has to work. So, that means if his favorite food is spaghetti with meat sauce, I should make it as often as I can. I do that and watch the pounds pile on me. What is wrong with this picture? Blogging is great because it forces one to journal and put their fattening reasons on paper. June was a satisfied woman with no expectations beyond an apron. What am I looking for????

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I was a thin bride.

So, last night I had a bit of a revelation. I am going to officially blame my weight problem on my husband. First of all, I was thin when I was single. If that is not proof enough, let me continue. I eat perfectly throughout the day. I don't start to snack or overeat until nighttime husband is home. I also eat like there is no tomorrow on the weekends. Hmmm. Husband is home on the weekends. I am going to give this more thought, but for now, suffice it to say "I think I am on to something."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ahh! Tuesday Relief!

OK!  So the scale was my friend today. After my horrendous weekend, I am three pounds lighter today. It is amazing how one day of good eating after a weekend of stuffing myself can turn everything around. Yesterday, I started my morning with a crisp apple, thinly sliced in several tasty little bites. Then, I followed it up with a WW chocolate one point smoothie. I no longer felt like the bloated slug that I did when I woke up. I also put my pedometer on and wore it all day. Although I never made it to 10000 steps, at least I was conscious that movement was on my side. I ate leftover sarmada soup for lunch and had a big green salad with slices of steak for dinner. It was delicious and it took me a long time to eat it. Tony ate the rest of the pizza and I was happy to see the last remnants of it leave our house. Yesterday was such a success, that I am starting my day like that again today. Wish me luck!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ugh! It's Monday!

Why do I have such a problem with weekends? I don't keep track of points and I tell myself I can eat anything. And, then I do. I have been paying for weight watchers for the last two months and I have finally decided to actually try the program. Unlike my usual start and stop personality....this time I am doing a "no start and start." In other words, I am actually starting WW today. I have decided to write this blog to keep me motivated. It doesn't matter if anyone else is reading it. I am doing this for myself. I have been trying to lose weight for the last 20 years. I have lost and gained and lost and gained again. I am tired of being too embarassed to go out in case I see someone who knew me when I was thin. I am tired of having no clothes to wear. I am tired of being tired. Want to know what I ate yesterday? I started the morning out with a bowl of oatmeal and black coffee. Oh yes. I was going to be good for the day. Then, around 11:00 my dear husband decided he was hungry and suggested chili dogs with coleslaw from our local hot dog stand. Well, I decided, what the's Sunday. Then, for dinner we had the kids over and we picked up salad and our favorite pizzas. This morning when I weighed myself I had gone from my xxx's to the xxx's overnight. I started the year at xxx and I have slowly climbed the scale pound by pound. I am too old to live my entire life obsessing about food. Wish me luck.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sarmada Soup

Anything is good with a martini! So Tonight for dinner, I made a variation of Tony's mother's Christmas dinner recipe. I do not know too many Greeks that make this dish. However, Tony grew up eating it and it is one of his favorites. Her recipe is tedious work because you have to roll ground pork into cabbage leaves and it takes a long time. Well, I somehow sidestepped that phase and came up with a delicious, easy, low cal dinner. It may not be for everyone. I think it may be an acquired taste. (My next door neighbor knocked on the door because he smelled it and thought we had a gas leak. - true story!)   Sorry, no pictures because we ate it so fast I forgot to take any. Plus, it is really not very pretty. Here is the recipe: Boil 1 head of cabbage in about 14 cups of water. Simmer for about an hour until the leaves are tender. Let the cabbage cool. Then, chop a large onion really fine and mix it with one pound of ground pork. Add kosher salt and pepper.  Make them into large meatballs and drop in the boiling water. Chop the cabbage, add a jar of drained sauerkraut (from refrigerated section) and top with paprika. Then, add the juice of two lemons and simmer for about two hours. I realize that it sounds terrible, but not only do we like it, it is almost calorie free. The only fattening part is the pork, and you really only eat about two meatballs. The rest is so filling.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm Back!!!!!

Let's see. My last post was in August of 2009. It has been over an entire year since I promised to take this seriously and really start posting. What is wrong with me? I never follow through on things. Well.......never say never. I am going to attempt to blog again. I have a new computer, I'm not working and I am still overweight. (Note original profile. This blog is a weight loss tool) Today is going to be the first day of the rest of my life. I've read many books and magazine articles on weight loss. Most first hand accounts are written by people who have already lost their weight. They always include exactly how much they weighed when they started and continue writing and mentioning each pound that they drop. Well, guess what? I am not going to do that. There is no way that I am going to post my real weight for all of you to read. Let's just say that it is a figure that I am not proud of. Maybe after I lose about ten or fifteen pounds I will divulge the amount that the scale says. Until then, I will again start photo journaling my food.
Wish me luck. Again.