Tuesday, November 8, 2011

When life gives you lemons..............

Make hot lemon water!
So.... my new favorite beverage is hot lemon water.  It may not be great for my teeth, but it is a natural diuretic, full of vitamin C, and has a fresh healthy taste that helps me start my day on a positive note! I still drink my coffee, but not as much as before because I switch to the lemon water. It's filling, makes me less hungry and will help me accomplish what I set out to do over 3 years ago. - LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Patti Needed Help (PNH)

It has been so long since I last wrote.  So much has happened in the last few months. I have attempted to start writing again many times, but because there seems to be so much to catch up on, I keep putting it off.....and then get further behind. Well, today is going to be different. Yesterday morning, my life long friend, Debbie, came to visit me. We spent a couple of hours catching up and sharing stories. She inspired me to just take pen in hand, and start writing. So, forgive me if I ramble or don't make sense.  Eventually, I hope to get back in my stride. Today is November 7, 2011. Patti has had a lot on her plate lately......and not just food. Thanks, Deb, for being a true friend. (Even during those times when I didn't deserve it)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

"Daddy's Girl"

Oh short memory! I am back to the blame game. Maybe my weight gain isn't my fault after all. It seems that the fat gene is in my family. My father's side of the family leans toward the hefty side. My sister sent me an old picture of me sitting on my Dad's tummy. I looked very content. I idolized my father growing up and maybe, just maybe I have an unconscious desire to be just like him. Hmmm....pineapple upside down cake sounds really good right now.

Friday, March 11, 2011

"Life doesn't get any better than this!"

This blog has been a real downer so far. Complaint after complaint about how fat I am, why I am fat and descriptions of futile attempts to try and get thin.  What a joke. I am fat because I am lazy and self indulgent. It hit me last night when I went to an art show featuring the art of my adorable nephew, Tommy.  He has the talent and perseverance to not only create his intricate drawings, but he also has the ability to enjoy every moment of every day.  I need to learn to be more like him. Last night as he sat in his wheelchair, surrounded by family and friends, he was surprised by his beautiful sister, Angelica. She had just flown in from Barnard College in New York. The biggest smile came to his face as he said, "Life doesn't get any better than this."

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Grey Skies

As dark and dreary as a rainy day seems, one thing is certain - blue skies will come again.  Perhaps it is in our darkest hour that our wisest thoughts emerge.  Love, light and positive energy equals power.  May the power of goodness direct the choices of food on Patti's Plate.  And may that same power bless all who read my blog today.  Amen.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines's Day

New Year. New Beginning. Fresh start to an old problem. It's time to get back to Patti's Plate. Today I spent the first Valentine's Day alone in 30 years. My husband was traveling for business and I passed on three kind dinner offers from family. Instead, I decided to romance myself. I made steak, broccoli, and a delicious tomato and onion salad. I stayed within my WW points and enjoyed every bite. It is time to show a little self love. I am worth it.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Big Buns

I've let a few days pass since I have pondered my psychological issues regarding my eating. There is definitely a connection regarding my mental state and my choice of food.  When I am feeling tired, depressed and anxious I crave........everything. Everything except fruits and vegetables. Why? However, when I am feeling confident and energetic I make the right choices.  This is supposed to be a chronicle of my weight loss journey.  So far I've stayed about the same  weight since I started this blog 3 years ago.  I've lost, gained, lost again and unfortunately, as of late, I've gained again.  But at least I haven't lost all hope.  My original idea was to photograph my meals so it would be an easy way to track and journal the food I eat while losing weight. Instead, here I am proudly displaying my fresh baked hamburger buns. I need to get my priorities in order and figure out which buns I want to be proud of. Wish me luck.