Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
7 Foods to Avoid
I can pretty easily give up most things on this list. The hardest item to avoid is gluten. It is hidden in so many things, and it is not actually listed on the ingredient labels. I know not to eat breads unless it is labeled gluten free. But gluten hides in so many products - even ketchup and white pepper!
We'll see if I can manage this one. As far as today goes, I have succeeded. I made a chicken soup for lunch, and salad with grilled chicken for dinner. It was a bit boring, but I finished day 1.
The new behavior introduced on Day 3 of the Beck Diet says you must eat sitting down. That is an easy one for me. I am a diner not a grazer.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Patti's patty
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Costco Mini Peppers
Monday, November 26, 2012
Cold Shrimp Soup
1 bunch radish
1 bunch scallions
1 bunch cilantro
1 hot house cucumber
1 avocado
1 bottle of Clamato
2 small low sodium V8 juice
Garlic powder
Lime juice
3/4 lb shrimp
Small package of crab meat
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Caesar Salad
Saturday, November 24, 2012
The Life of Pi
All of the "kids" are home for the weekend.
Most of the leftovers are gone. Everyone is running in different directions. I'm tired of
going to the grocery store. We are all pretty much doing our own thing. Rather than focusing on food, Tony and I decided to go to the movies. We went to see "The Life of Pi". Wow! What a beautiful movie.
We are still on holiday
mode, so although I'm not being terribly strict with my diet, I am also not
overindulging. I chose to watch Pi, not eat pie!
Friday, November 23, 2012

The Day After
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Thanksgiving Eve
Tomorrow may be Thanksgiving, but as far as I am
concerned , I could never be more grateful than I am tonight.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Kate Mantellini
So, now that the mood of the table has been presented, let's get to Patti's Plate. I actually refused the delicious hot bread that they normally serve, and ordered a steak and arugula salad with a reduced vinaigrette sauce. It was actually so good that I felt like I was overindulging, but in retrospect I was not. We also had an order of sweet potato fries that I should have passed on but I didn't. Another indulgence was my Beefeater gin martini. But, heck. I've always worked like a man. Why shouldn't I drink like one?
Sunday, November 18, 2012
The Holidays
I need to learn to control my emotional eating in time for the holiday season. The index card didn't work tonight. I almost ate it too.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
The King's Head
Tonight I had the pleasure of taking my Mother out for
dinner. We went first to an art show and then tried to figure out what
restaurant to go to for dinner. I did not want to spend another Saturday night
eating Mexican food. We tried to find something different. We searched from
downtown Los Angeles to the San Fernando valley. There were four people in the car, each with their own
suggestions. Driving in rainy traffic discussing our options, the ride seemed
to take much longer than it should have. We finally settled upon the old Pinot
Bistro restaurant which is now an English Pub called the Kings Head. None of us
had been there before so we gave it a try. It was warm and relaxing, quiet with
white tablecloths. It was a very nice atmosphere even though Mom pointed out
that the English are not really "known" for their food. The menu was
quite extensive with items like fish and chips, steaks, burgers, salads, and
curries. Thank goodness the restaurant was kind enough to substitute the peas
that they normally serve with the pepper steak with onion rings for my mother.
I gazed at the long menu, and fought the temptation to ease my nerves by
ordering something warm and comforting. I took out my index card and read my
reasons for wanting to be thin. I then ordered a green salad with strips of
chicken. Mom's probably right. The English don't cook that well.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Advantage Response Card
1) But it's Friday....
2) Both Tony and I worked today.
3) The refrigerator is relatively bare.
4) Tony does not need to diet and he is perfectly happy being married to an overweight woman.
I quickly retrieve my Advantage Response Card. I read it. I read it again. I go to the freezer and I find one lonely package of frozen raviolis. Hmmmm. This may work. I show Tony and he actually gets excited. I will eat my chicken breast leftovers again. (No one else really liked them anyway, that's why there is still some left.) We will stay home this Friday night and make the best of it. The good news is that I have made it through my first day of the Beck diet. And, we were able to find an adequate dinner to stay home and enjoy a Friday night. And....Tony was even able to share "The Merry Widow" opera with me in his music room. And....I actually enjoyed it.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Beck Diet Solution
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Stuffed Chicken
Update: Ernie called and said he was picking up Barone's
pizza. Tony suggested we eat the chicken roll tomorrow. The temptation was too
great. I caved.
I am bad.
I am fat.I hate myself.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Kitchen Sink Chop
Monday, November 12, 2012
It's sort of hard to keep this blog new and interesting.
It's obviously just as hard to keep my diet new and interesting. I need to find a way to jazz things up a bit. When I was a Nutritarian, I was on an actual plan, and it was pretty easy. I think I have given myself too much freedom. I need to find a new plan to share. I should be showing you a picture of some great low calorie dish that is worthy of Patti's plate. But, I will be honest with you. Most nights are
really difficult to keep low calorie and exciting. Take tonight for instance. My husband worked most of the day from home, and then we went to an afternoon movie. When we got out, we tried to decide what to eat for dinner. We had leftovers from the last few days, so I knew we had food to eat. He had the fattening spaghetti, and I made another boring salad with the same old chicken I had a few days ago. I was too lazy to add colorful vegetables to my salad, so my green salad and the green chili chicken look the same. I need inspiration.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Sunday Dinner
Saturday, November 10, 2012
I did not have one chip tonight! That is really pretty
big for me. I copied everything that my sister ordered. I had one glass of red
wine instead of my usual double margarita. We had a white meat only chicken
tostado with boiled beans and no tortilla. (Shouldn't that just be called a
salad?) Honestly, it wasn't really that hard to eat this way tonight. I am not sure if it was because I promised myself before I went that I was going to be good, or if having someone else at the table eating the same way made me feel less alone. Whatever the reason, it worked! If I ate with her very often I think this blog would be out
of business pretty darn soon!
El Adobe....Part 2
Friday, November 9, 2012
Roasted Chicken
There are so many types of food to choose from when I go out to eat. I could easily go out for pizza, tacos, enchiladas, spaghetti, or
even just a plain old hamburger and French fries. I tell you this to try and
get you on my side before I tell you what I ate. I know I am not going to wake
up any thinner than I did today. But.......there is a slight chance I won't wake
up any heavier either. I've had a pretty good day. I had high fiber cereal,
blueberries, and non fat milk for breakfast; a honey crisp apple for lunch; and a cup of homemade chicken soup as a snack when I
got home from work. For dinner, I went to a restaurant that had a roasted chicken Friday night special on their menu. I ate a chicken breast, green beans and baked potato
for dinner. Should I tell you what I
didn't eat? No, I didn't have wine with dinner. I did not have sour cream with
my baked potato. And, I definitely did not have dessert! Not at the
restaurant, and not when I got home where I still have left over Halloween
candy. Do I deserve to wake up thinner? I think so. Will I be satisfied if I
wake up the same weight? Yup. It was a nice night and I didn't have to cook.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Mrs. Renfro
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Pasilla Peppers
I bought 2 Pasilla peppers at Gelson's the last time that I
shopped. For those of you who don't know what they are, let me describe them.
They are large, dark green, shiny peppers with a mildly hot taste. I have had
them at Mexican restaurants stuffed with cheese and melted to a gooey goodness
that is delightful. I'm sure that was my attraction when I purchased them at
the grocery store. I looked at them and imagined them stuffed with cheese and
I bagged them before I could even think. Tonight, before they went bad, I decided
to cook them. I broiled them in the oven until they turned black and placed
them in a paper bag to steam. Then, I easily peeled the charred skin away and
diced the softened flesh. I added it to my vegetable chicken soup and it gave it
a spicy flavor that added another dimension to my low calorie dinner. The best
thing about watching my weight, is the satisfaction I get from cooking more
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Election Day!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Another boring salad
Monday Morning
When trying to lose weight, there are so many variables
that enter into the equation.
1) Which diet is best?
2) Will you have the help of family and friends?
3) Will you be able to eat like this forever?
4) Will you be able to combat emotional eating?
These are just a few thoughts that come to mind. I think one of the biggest hurdles to overcome, is learning to tune out those people who may unknowingly sabotage your effort. These are the well meaning people who tell you the "right" way to lose weight.
Let's face it. All overweight people know how to lose weight. We've lost hundreds of pounds before. The problem is that we always gain back more than we lose. The vicious cycle never seems to end. However, for some people it finally does. Eventually, for those who are lucky enough, they finally figure it out. And the light bulb moment usually comes on through no help of anybody else. It is their own personal realization. It won't happen if you give up. It only happens if you keep trying.
So often the "fat mind" is stubborn. It hates to be told what to do. When a skinny ___________(insert spouse, parent, relative, friend, co-worker, stranger) tells a fat person what to eat and how to eat, the fat person often does just the opposite. They are already out of control with their eating, so instinctively they try to muster a little control by not listening to the other person. It's counterproductive but understandable. I can think of plenty of times that I have acted in that way. I know for sure that my Dad did.
Anyhow, I think I have possibly gotten to the point that I will continue losing weight. I don't intend to be perfect every single day. I will try to recognize which days I need to really watch it and which days I can take a break. I need to learn the best way to do it for me. It may mean being selfish or acting like a hermit now and then, but I need to remember that self preservation and care is ultimately a gift that we give to those who really love us.
1) Which diet is best?
2) Will you have the help of family and friends?
3) Will you be able to eat like this forever?
4) Will you be able to combat emotional eating?
These are just a few thoughts that come to mind. I think one of the biggest hurdles to overcome, is learning to tune out those people who may unknowingly sabotage your effort. These are the well meaning people who tell you the "right" way to lose weight.
Let's face it. All overweight people know how to lose weight. We've lost hundreds of pounds before. The problem is that we always gain back more than we lose. The vicious cycle never seems to end. However, for some people it finally does. Eventually, for those who are lucky enough, they finally figure it out. And the light bulb moment usually comes on through no help of anybody else. It is their own personal realization. It won't happen if you give up. It only happens if you keep trying.
So often the "fat mind" is stubborn. It hates to be told what to do. When a skinny ___________(insert spouse, parent, relative, friend, co-worker, stranger) tells a fat person what to eat and how to eat, the fat person often does just the opposite. They are already out of control with their eating, so instinctively they try to muster a little control by not listening to the other person. It's counterproductive but understandable. I can think of plenty of times that I have acted in that way. I know for sure that my Dad did.
Anyhow, I think I have possibly gotten to the point that I will continue losing weight. I don't intend to be perfect every single day. I will try to recognize which days I need to really watch it and which days I can take a break. I need to learn the best way to do it for me. It may mean being selfish or acting like a hermit now and then, but I need to remember that self preservation and care is ultimately a gift that we give to those who really love us.
The long version
There are some restaurants that are just easier to
totally avoid rather than try and abstain from eating my favorite foods.
Lucy's El Adobe Cafe is one of those restaurants. I have probably been going
there for almost 50 years. It's my home away from home. I ate my first BBQ taco
dinner there when I was about 9 years old and I have wanted to order it every single time I have gone back since. When my husband suggested that we take my mother there on Saturday night, I knew I would be in trouble. However, just because I have a weight problem, doesn't mean I should punish Tony for my lack of willpower. I agreed to go. I tried to make some changes from my usual El Adobe experience. I didn't order the freshly made delicious guacamole. But,
I did eat the hot, crunchy tortilla chips. I couldn't pass up the
incomparable quesadilla with mild peppers especially when my husband added
jalapeños to it. Normally I would order the taco dinner, but I ordered a boiled
bean tostado with a fresh (not fried) corn tortilla on the bottom. Who was I
kidding? I just ate a bowl of chips! Add the special Santiago margarita and my
diet was totally gone. Now, maybe I would have had more willpower if I was
going there more often. But, I haven't been there in over 3 months, and it was
Saturday night, and well.....oh well.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Last night
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Thank you, Lynn. Patti's plate has never looked so good!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Poached Eggs
Today, Patti's plate had the most delicious breakfast on
it. Two perfectly poached eggs were laying on top of a bed of endives. Again,
credit goes to my random new friend, Laura, who labeled me anemic a couple of days ago. She said I
should be eating eggs at least twice a week. She also told me to make sure that
I eat the entire egg, not just the whites. (Something about bringing "new
life" into my body) Hey, it works for me. They are much tastier with the
yolk. The other bit of advice that she gave to me, is to make sure that I eat
them with greens and not toast. She said it is never a good idea to mix protein
and starchy carbohydrates at the same time. She was thin and had a European
accent so I tend to believe her.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
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