Sunday, June 29, 2014

Good Morning!

The really good thing about writing again, is that I am forced to continue my weight loss journey even after a failed effort like I experienced yesterday. Instead of spending the next few days feeling like a failure and eating everything in sight, I hopped right back on the horse again and tried to make good eating decisions. As I've said before, breakfast is key to having a good day. This morning I made a delicious plate of eggs and am drinking tons of water. I should add, I chose eggs over an offer by my husband to buy In and Out burgers. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Perfect Storm

Saturday night......................
  •  The end of a week of being very health and diet conscious.
  • The night that is saved as the big "date night" for my husband and me.
  •  And the night we decided to take my mom out for dinner to Lucy's El Adobe.

Am I really surprised I couldn't get the food down fast enough?
An entire week of dieting went down the drain in one night. I ate chips, guacamole and barbecue tacos. 

I deserve to be fat.

Friday, June 27, 2014

I guess I'm nuts

You are what you eat. I have been trying so hard all week to eat right. I've passed up home made quesadillas at work, and eaten low fat cottage cheese and peaches instead. I eat a good healthy breakfast and plenty of water all day. I have been trying most nights to eat a large salad with a side of protein. So, what was my problem tonight? I overindulged on almonds. I came home from work after a stop at California Chicken Cafe to pick up dinner. They make a good green salad with chopped chicken breast. Rather than eating right away, I relaxed with a good book, and Tony went out to his music room. Since I was quite hungry, I decided to snack on a handful of healthy almonds. Again, and again and again. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Greek Yogurt

I have been very careful today with my eating choices. I started out with hard boiled eggs. A couple of hours later I ate 10 raw almonds. For lunch, I made a green salad. I was still hungry, but I suffered through it and drank lots of water and herbal tea. At about 4 in the afternoon, I became very hungry and looked in the fridge for inspiration. I was excited to find a snack I honestly love to eat. I put a teaspoon of raw honey in a container of Wallaby's yogurt. It sounds terribly boring, but I actually enjoy the taste, and it kept me full until dinner. I had my usual green salad with salmon and am actually quite content. I may still eat a nectarine for desert, but to be honest, I'm no longer hungry.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Today was an unusual day for me.  I became a part of the "ladies who lunch" crowd. Anyone who knows me well, knows I don't like going out to lunch. I'm not sure why. I think part of the reason is because I love eating dinner with my husband so much, that I'm scared I may spoil my appetite. (I know, I'm trying to lose weight, yet I'm scared I won't be hungry.)  Hmmmm. Wonder why I'm overweight! So I went to lunch in Santa Monica with two long time friends. We had so much fun catching up that food was definitely not the center of attention. We went to a great restaurant called Fig. We all ordered the fish tacos, which were appetizer size, but delicious. (Corn tortilla, not fried) I declined dessert, but then the three of us decided to share a fruit plate. It was a perfect lunch, and yes, I was still hungry for dinner. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I have discovered a new taste treat that is good for me. How this drink has been around for over 2,000 years, and I had never heard of it is beyond me. My friend, Dina, a coworker, introduced me to this effervescent tea and promised me miraculous results. She said I will feel healthier, have more energy, and feel less likely to overindulge in my eating. It is naturally fermented and is  probiotic. It's a delicious carbonated tea that produces vitamins, antioxidants, and  healthy enzymes. At just 35 calories a serving, I think I may have found a perfect elixir to good health! Cheers!

Monday, June 23, 2014

You Can't beat beets!

I went to Whole Foods after work to pick up an easy and diet friendly dinner. I was pretty hungry and everything looked good. (Except the tofu) Tony wanted me to pick him up a sandwich and a bag of chips. I find it quite embarrassing to have potato chips in my basket at Whole Foods. Despite my discomfort,  I did as I was told, determined to find something healthy and nutritious for me. I decided I couldn't go wrong with the beets. They are ascetically pleasing on my plate and delicious as well. I am making a big green salad to go with it. Monday night down........the rest of the week to go!